Krav Maga Blogs For October

Pick Pockets

Blog About Pick Pockets

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 28th Oct 2013

Different criminals choose diferent crimes for a variety of reasons. A mugger, commits street robberies because they offer a quick source of cash, the burglar breaks in to houses because their need for cash isn\'t so immediate and they consider the risk of confronting someone to great. The pickpocket or \"sneak thief\" picks pockets because they need quick cash but wish to avoid having to confront their target/victim. In most cases of crime there is an element of power and control e.g. the burglar, the mugger get a rush from either breaking into a place and having control over...Click To Read More


Blog About Visualization

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 20th Oct 2013

We often talk about having an awareness of our surroundings and the potential threats within them however having an awareness concerning yourself is also important i.e. how will you react and respond in a violent altercation, not how you like to think you will, but how you actually will. There are many range shooters who believe that simply carrying a gun is an answer to situations where there is an active shooter - they like to believe that they would respond in a certain way when placed in such a situation without...Click To Read More

The 5 Step Predator Process

Blog About The 5 Step Predator Process

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 13th Oct 2013

All Predatory individuals follow a distinct 4, sometimes 5 step methodology, regardless of their motivations or the types of crimes they are committing; it doesn\'t matter whether they are a mugger or sexual predator they will follow a similar method for selecting and approaching their chosen victim/target. Understanding this process will allow us the ability to identify, predict and avoid  violence before it occurs. 

The first step is to select an environment (Step 1) where there will...Click To Read More

Think Like The Predator

Blog About Think Like The Predator

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 6th Oct 2013

There are natural fighters and there are those that learn how to fight; a natural fighter doesn’t need to be trained to look for an improvised weapon he’s already picking a chair up, to smash across somebody’s back. 99.9% of those who come to the reality based self-defense systems and the martial arts, do so because they recognize they are not natural fighters (I exclude combat sports such as MMA and Boxing, where natural fighters are attracted by the chance to have their skills and abilities recognized as well as potentially make a decent living). Recognizing that you don’t naturally...Click To Read More